After 3 days in Salta I chose to go south to Cordoba. Cordoba is the 2nd biggest city in Argentina, but it doesn't feel that big when you're there. Cordoba is know to be the city who has it all! The city center is not that big actually. I stayed in Rupestre hostel, maybe 15 minutes walk downtown. The hostel is small and nice, but not so well organized maybe...and only one girl talked some English. I really got to try out my Spanish skills. But those who worked there where really nice and social.
My color!!! |
It's summer here now, so it's a bit quiet. I arrived on a Friday, and was hoping for good nights out and a lot of things going on. I was wrong. The stores closed early, at 2-3 pm, or was closed the whole weekend. So I had a lot of time hanging around chillin' at the hostel. We had a rooftop terrace as well with a small swimming pool.
Not finished - Can u see what's missing? |
På lørdag/søndag kveld var det weekend-market, som alltid er gøy. Vi var en gjeng fra hostellet som gikk dit sammen. Det var litt ulikt andre markeder, for det hadde mye stander med antikke ting, alt fra krigssuvenierer, planter til nips. Kate fra hostellet skaffet seg noen dreads den kvelden...var faktisk litt fristet til å ta noen få jeg og, men det uhygensike aspektet tok overhånd og jeg gikk bort fra det.
On saturday/sunday night it was the weekend-market. Markets are always fun. We where a group from the hostel who went there together. It was a bit different from other markets since they had a lot of antic stands with items from the war, old records, plants, pots and pans and so on. Kate from the hostel, got some dreads that night (looked painful). I was tempted to get some myself (like a few), but unhygienic for me.
I stedet tok jeg en tur innom frisøren neste dag. Dette var litt mer skumle saker...hadde bare lyst å etterstripe håret. Ikke helt enkelt og forklare hva man vil med håret sitt på spansk. Men det funket:) Hun var riktignok litt hardhendt etter min mening, men det gikk veldig kjapt, og må si meg fornøyd med resultatet, ikke minst prisen: ca 140 kroner.
Instead I went to the hairdresser the next day. But this was scary though...I just wanted some high-lights in my hair. It wasn't easy to explain what I wanted to do with my hair in Spanish. But it worked, and I walked home feeling good. And the prize....maybe 10% of what that would had cost in Norway.
Så alt i alt, gjorde jeg ikke sånn kjempemye i Cordoba, men det var greit med et par late dager også, trenger det fra tid til annen. Må vel si jeg ble litt skuffet da jeg forventet yrende folkeliv og en morsom, fargerik by. Men det var så varmt ute, at det var like greit å bare holde seg inne på hostellet på dagen. Men late dager med filmer/fotball, kortspill og noen øl er ikke å forakte.
So I didn't do so much in Cordoba, but sometimes it's good (and needed) with a couple of lazy days as well. I have to say that I was a bit disappointed of the city though. But the days where so hot, that it was best to stay inside anyway, or spend some time in the pool on the roof. Sometimes lazy days with movies/football, card-games and some cold beers is not bad either.
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