I headed from Antigua at 9am.to Rio Dulce via Guatemala City. Rio Dulce is a small place on the way to the Caribbean. I arrived at 6pm, at sunset. The bus costs 200 Q. Everything takes more time than they say it will. But while backpacking, I'm so used to that everything takes time. But I really hate arriving in a new place after dark. I'd booked a hotel online, on the other side of the lake, in the jungle, only accesable by boat. East in Guatemala and southern Belize don't use hostelworld, booking.com etc so much, so there are always more places to stay that you can find online.
Jungelhotellet, bare tilgjengelig med båt |
Heldigvis møtte jeg en trivelig kar når jeg gikk av bussen. Gjennom min fantastiske spansk fikk jeg forklart hvor jeg skulle, og at jeg trengte en båt. Det han hjalp meg og finne ut, var at hotellet hadde gratis frakt av "meg" til og fra, fant tlf.nummeret og ringte de. Jeg kjøpte mannen en øl, og vi satt og snakket på bryggekanten når solen gikk ned og ventet på båten min. Fikk praktisert litt spank i alle fall. Det var mørkt når båten kom på andre siden, og vi fortsatte innover og innover i et elveløp med jungel omkring. Hotelet var i jungelen, men det var ganske kult. Det ble en rolig lørdagskveld der, med øl, bok og hammock.
When I arrived in Rio Dulce i had some small problems, but luckily I met a really helpful Guatemalian.
Through my "fantastic" Spanish, I explained where I was supposed to take a boat to that hotel. I didn't have the phonenumber, but he went to find it, and called my hotel for a free pick-up by boat. I bought him a cold beer, and we sat at the docks while I was waiting for the boat. Sometimes u find some really nice helpful people :) The boat took me to the other side, and then far into the jungle in a river. A hotel in the jungle is kind of cool. It was actually on a saturday, but sometimes u need quiet saturdays as well. As long as I have a hammock, a book and beer, I'm happy!!!
Dagen etter skulle jeg dra videre til Livingston, hvor man kan krysse grensa til Belize eller Honduras med båt. Det var en fantsatisk båttur, hvor alt var grønt og skjønt. "Hvor ingen skulle tru at noken kunne bu", skulle vært her og sett, langs innsjøen og elva. 1.5 time senere var jeg i Livingston og hadde det Karibiske hav rett utafor. Akkurat nå vil man ikke bare hoppe i have så fort man kommer til det Karibiske hav, det er fullt av sjøgress. Veldig veldig mye sjøgress. Og når ingen tar det bort, blir det en gjørmete masse, som stinker. Dette er visstnok et enormt problem akkurat i år, helt fra Panama til Florida.
The next day I was headed for Livingston, where u can cross the border to Honduras or Belize by boat. It was a gorgeous boatride through the jungle. Took like 1.5 hours. Suddenly I where at the Caribbean Sia, and felt a much warmer climate. It's a lot of sea-grass on the Caribbean Coast at the moment, nasty in some places. If nobody tries to get rid of it, it piles up, and get black and smelly. Right now it's all the way from Panama to Florida, but some places they are good at cleaning it up.
ute på rotur.... |
Heading down Rio Dulce |
I found this small nice hostel in Livingston. Livingston has one main-street, and that'st. They also have a nice waterfall (didn't go there) and a okey beach (didn't have time to go there either) Hammocks, layed-bak and nice people. The real hostel-feeling. I also met a couple I travelled with the next day. There are 2 boats leaving for Punta Gorda in Belize twice a day, at 7am. and 11 am. If u choose to take the early boat, u have to go to immigration before 5pm. + buying a ticket. The departure-tax is 80Q, and the boat costs 200Q.
Finally arrived at a hostel in Livingston |