Welcome to Palawan |
Jeg måtte fly inn til Puerto Princesa, en liten by som ikke har noe annet å tilby enn en utflukt til en underjordisk elv. Jeg valgte å ikke bli der en dag ekstra for å gjøre den ene tingen, så tidlig neste dag tok jeg buss til El Nido, sånn 5 timer ++ på til tider tvilsomme veier.
Nytt sted, på jakt etter sted å bo. Det er ikke så mye og finne på nett ang overnatting og booking i dette landet, så da må jeg gjøre noe av det jeg hater mest: gå rundt fra sted til sted, høre priser og prute. El Nido er på en måte feriested for folk fra Fillipinene også, og akkurat nå er det skoleferie. Hurra!!! Størsteparten jeg møtte var fra Manila da, og reiste i større grupper. De var ikke særlig sosiale...de er jo bare opptatt av og ta bilder!!!!
Men jeg fant et ok rom, med tvilsomme dusjer/toalett. Men her er prisene litt høyere enn det jeg er vant til, så man kan ikke få alt. Jeg flytta etterhvert til der Alexandra bodde, mye høyere standard til nesten samme pris, bare litt lengre å gå.
I chose to go to Palawan, a big island in the west in the country. My goal was to go to El Nido, north on the island, which is famous for diving and snorkeling, hidden lagoons and secret beaches.
I had to fly to Puerto Princesa, a small town where it's nothing to do exept for the underground river. I stayed one night, but didn't want to waste a whole day extra to do that. Early the next morning I was having a bumpy ride for 5 hours +++ on bad roads. But eventually i made it to El Nido.
New place, new hunt for accomodation. It's not so much to find online about accomodation some places here in the Phillipines. So booking online, difficult. So then I had to do what I hate: walk around with my backpack, in the sun....asking for prizes and bargening. El Nido is also a popular vacationplace for Phillipinos. And now it's school-holiday...yey!!!!?? Mainly people from Manila, travellling in groups (:(), so not that social...the only important thing seems to be to take hundreds of photos.
I found some cheap accomodation. The room was okey, but the showers/toilets was some of the worst. But this is a popular place, so the prices are a bit higher than I'm used to. After 2 nights there, I moved to the hotel Alexandra stayed in, higher standard...just a bit further from the beach.
El Nido |
Men en fin tur, med lunsj på en liten strand...
På kvelden var det bare å vandre på stranden i El Nido, finne en resturant, ta en øl og høre på livemusikk. Utrolig chil og layedback, men på denne tiden var ikke dette stedet for en fest.
On my first day, I went on a boattrip to all the lagoons, also called tour A. The small, the big, the secret lagoon, and a couple of beaches. it was a nice day, I snorkeled a lot, and saw some great reefs and fishes. But just the feeling of being in a lagoon...it's so beautiful!!! Except for the big groups of toursits off course). I waqs on a boat with 6 Phillipinos. They weren't much interested into snorkeling and look around (off course, they didn't swim that well). The main thing they did the whole day....taking photos!!! Groupphotos, many cameras, portraits. Almost made me go loco.
At night it's nice to just walk along the beach, find a restaurant, have a cold Red Horse and listen to live music. Very chill and lay-back atmosphere but when i was there, not a party place.
@ the Big Lagoon |
Small lagoon |
Ny dag, ny båttur, tur C sammen med Alex. Så ikke bare meg og Filipinere denne dagen. Dette var turen for den glemte, den gjemte lagune, samt noe med en kirke på et øde sted. Den gjemte lagune sier de var det opprinnelige stedet hvor ideen til "the beach" kom fra. Dette fordi Alex Garland fant denne lille gjemte stranden, samt befant seg på Filippinene når han skrev boken.
Uansett, en vanvittig fin dag, med bra snorkling. Vi vant Nemo! :) Vi hadde også en fantastisk lunsj på stranden, med ferske reker og mye annet godt.
New day, time for a new boat-trip, trip C. This time with Alex, so not only me and people who takes thousands photos. We went to the forgotten and the hidden lagoon, a couple of beaches, and some place with a hidden church. They say that the hidden lagoon was the original place where Alex Garland found, and got the idea for his book "the beach". Anyways, an amazing day with good snorkeling. We found Nemo! We had lunch at a beach, fresh shrimps (yey!!) and loads of other good stuff.
Red horse and sunset in El Nido |
Lunchtime:) Shrimps!!!! |
In the hidden lagoon |
The entrance to the lagoon |
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