Jeg greide aldri bestemme meg for hvor jeg ville dra den siste tiden. For alle eventyr og turer må ta slutt engang. Og det er det smarteste og dra hjem til sommeren, få jobbet litt igjen....og så får jeg heller se hva jeg gjør etterhvert.
Omsider fikk jeg booket billetten min hjem. Eller "hjem" til byen jeg bodde i før, jeg er jo hjemløs. Plutselig hadde jeg et visst antall dager. Fillipinene ville jeg til, det var jeg sikker på, men jeg hadde kanskje 1-1.5 uke ekstra. Hvor? Det endte med utsettelse av disse planene, og at dagene ble altså brukt i Thailand. Det dumme med Fillipinene er at turister får 21 dagers visum. Det er serisøt ikke mye man får sett i dette landet på 3uker.
After lazy weeks in Thailand. Yes, it became weeks I'm afraid, not just days. But hey, lazyness and to put things on a hold reflects me very well. I don't do plans, I don't do research, and I put most things on a hold. Just look at my blog...I'm always weeks behind.
I never made up my mind about where to spend my last weeks. All adventures and trips have to come to an end I'm afraid. And the most clever thing I could do right to go home for our summer, and work for a while again, get some money in on my account. I already have so many new plans in my head so....I just have to sort them out.
So finally I had my ticket home to Norway at least. Or "home" is relative though. Home to the city I lived in before, Oslo. Because, now I've kind of been homeless more than 9 months. And suddenly I had a certain amount of days for the first time on this trip. I knew I wanted to go to the Phillipines, but I kind of had 1-1.5 weeks more. Where to go? I waited and waited to book the tickets here, and the days went by in Thailand. It's a bit stupid that a normal tourist-visa for this country is 21 days. Not 30 days, like in any other. How much can u see in 3 weeks anyways?
In the toilet actually |
Endelig fremme på MNL Botique hostel, et temmelig lite et i businessdistriktet. Jeg begynte og snakke med folk, og manila er tydleigvis som Bangkok. Stedet der folk starter og avslutter turen sin. Så enten snakker man med likesinnede, men som kanskje har planlagt turen sin, og har billetter. Eller så snakker man med de som har vært rundt omkring og reist og har mange mange forslag til hvor du burde dra (mange som har betalt for utvidet visum). Det er så snilt og hjelpsomt, men plutselig sitter jeg med all denne infoen...og jeg får litt panikk, siden jeg skjønner at på 20 dager, vil jeg ikke rekke over mye. Så hva skulle jeg velge?
Hele neste dag satt jeg på internet og prøvde og finne ut noe, og bestemte meg endelig for et sted, Palawan, det er en stor øy vest for øya Manila ligger på. Men det er ikke mange måter og komme seg rundt på, foruten fly mellom alle de største øyene.
But finally I decided...and suddenly I was in Manila. What can I say about my first impression? I took at taxi from the airport, it took like 70 mins. The trafic was just terrible, and we where stuck in intersection after intersection for like 5-10 mins at the time. He drove between the lines all the time, but it didn't get any faster.
Finally I found myself at MNL Botique hostel, a small new one in the business-area. I started to talk to people about their travels in this contry, and I felt like I was back in Bangkok for the first time. It's the place u start or end u'r trip. So maybe I end up talking to people who just came, but they probably planned a bit, and had some tickets? Or...I talked to those who had been around, and had many suggestions about where I should go (but many of them, had payed for a longer visa). It's always nice and helpful, but suddenly I had all this info....and I had a bit of panick, since I understood that in 20 days, I won't see many places. So what to choose?
The whole next day I was online and tried to plan, and book something. I finally ended up booking a flight to Palawan. Palawan is a big island west in the Phillipines. But it's not so many ways to get around over here, unless u have loads of time, u'll probably end up flying.
Very cool buses, but to complicated system for me |
Hangout-place for beers at night |
En ting jeg la merke til allerede første kveld i Manila, når jeg var på jakt etter mat.....var alle fastfood-butikkene. Og jeg har ikke sett mindre til disse stedene på min reise gjennom dette landet. Tydeligvis, de ELSKER MacD og mange liknende jeg aldri har hørt om, alt fra nudler, kinesisk, pizza. Stedene er fullpakket, og flertallet er lokale. Hele tiden har spørsmålet vært: hva er egentlig spesielt Fillipinsk?
Første kveld møtte jeg Alexandra fra Quebec, vi var på samme dorm. Hun dro videre en dag før meg, men når jeg endelig fikk booket min flybillet, så skylle vi først og fremst til samme sted: Palawan. Med mål om å dra til El Nido. Hun dro, jeg dro neste møttes et par dager senere i en lagune, og har reist sammen siden:)
Dette landet er ikke speielt billig, og foruten hosteller i noen steder...ender man opp med å betale for rommet. Å betale for rommet kan raskt bli dyrt.
Andre poeng: dette landet er litt mer komplisert å reise rundt i enn de andre asiatiske landene jeg har vært i. Det tar tid, som alltid. Men her tar det enda mer tid. Man skulle tro at i et land bestående av øyer, hadde gode ferge/båt-forbindelser, men dengang ei.
From the first day in Manila, I knew that I didn't want to stay there longer than I had to. It reminds me a lot about Bangkok, just that this city has more than 11 million inhabitants, and Bangkok has 7.7 or something. If possible, it is even more dusty, more garbage, noicy. In Manlia as well, u have to take a taxi everywhere, in a terrible trafic that doesn't move.
One thing I noticed after my first night in Manila...while hunting for food....was all the fastfood-joints. And this fastfood-tendency, has been there the whole way. Apparently, they LOVE MacD's and many other similar places I've never heard of. Everything from nudles, chinese, pizza. And the places are packed, and mot people are locals. So my question is always: What is typical Phillipino?
On my first night in Manila, I met Alexandra from Quebec, from my dorm. She went on the next day, but when I finally booket my ticket to Palawan, I knew we where going to the same place, El Nido. She left, I left the next day. We met up a couple of days later in a lagoeon, and we have travelled together every day since that.
The Phillipines is not cheap. Some places have hostels with doorms, but most of the time u have to pay for the room anyway. And to pay for a room by yourself becomes expensive fast.
This country is also a bit more tricky to travel around in, compared to other south-east Asian countries I've been to. Everything takes load of time...but that's the Asian way. But over here, it even takes more time! U should think that in a country with hundered of islands, there should be boats going everywhere at all times? No!! And if u ask something about a boat at the tourist information, they don't all!
Red-light district |